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Summer 2012 - Department | Alumni Association News
‘Iolani Changes Lives Through Special Bonds
While I never seem to be at a loss for words, I find it hard writing this article. There is so much to say, so many people to thank and so many memories, experiences and thoughts to share, that I am afraid my words will not adequately express my feelings and gratitude.
As I come to the end of my six years in serving on the ‘Iolani Alumni Association Board of Directors, I am so grateful for everything this experience has blessed me with. When I joined the Board, I never imagined to what extent serving on the Board would impact my life.
Of course, there are the special moments from all the amazing events the Association sponsors—most events being ones I never attended before serving on the Board. From laughing with alumni at A Touch of ‘Iolani and golf tournament and enjoying time with families at the water park and summer concerts, to simply reconnecting with long-lost friends at pau hana and the fair—there were so many events, providing different experiences, but each I left from with a smile on my face.
But the best part of this whole experience has been the people. I am so thankful for all the people I have come across in serving on the IAA Board. I have been lucky to have met the dedicated, caring and down-to-earth people serving on the Board of Governors and, like Dr. and Mrs. Iwashita, the incredibly special, supportive and hard-working people in the Institutional Advancement Office. It has been wonderful seeing administrators, faculty and staff who I knew from high school, and being touched by their continuing warmth and caring. And then there are the incredible people I have met and served with on the IAA Board. From past to current Board members, each has added a unique perspective to the Board and has contributed to the growth and success of the IAA. Each has graciously volunteered their time to support fellow alumni and ‘Iolani.
From laughing with alumni at A Touch of ‘Iolani and golf tournament and enjoying time with families at the water park and summer concerts, to simply reconnecting with long-lost friends at pau hana and the fair—there were so many events, providing different experiences, but each I left from with a smile on my face.
I learned so much from them, and made amazing friends. I am grateful to the IAA for bringing all these people into my life, these people who I don’t think others can fully appreciate until really seeing how much these people do.And, thank you, all of you, for allowing me to serve on the IAA Board the last six years. I feel so blessed for those of you I have met in this journey, and for my old alumni friends I have reconnected with and who have made my life truly special these past years.
While it saddens me to have my term end, I leave with a sense of joy knowing that I may continue to attend the special alumni events and the priceless relationships that I gained or were rekindled will continue on. I no longer wonder why when I step onto ‘Iolani’s campus or into an ‘Iolani event I feel an incredible sense of warmth, safety and happiness, it’s because of the people—the students, parents, faculty, staff, administrators, Board members and ALUMNI—it is because of the people and the heart they put into all they do that make ‘Iolani and its events unique and special. And, no words can properly describe that, I just hope you find that one special connection to ‘Iolani that can allow you to feel it. I no longer wonder why, but it still amazes me, and it is beautiful.
With Much Gratitude and Aloha,

Adrienne Shimonishi Elkind ’90
‘Iolani Alumni Association 2011-12