This Issue
Winter 2011 - Department | Pictures from the Past
Pictures from the Past
The Homecoming tradition is alive and well at ‘Iolani. Here is a photo of the 1976 Homecoming Court. Since ‘Iolani was a boys school back then, the girls were invited to be on the court from sister schools such as St. Andrew’s Priory and La Pietra Hawaii School for Girls.

Left to right: Freshman attendants Mary Mike Neville and Darryl Lum ’79, sophomore attendants Hope Fujisaki and Steven Iha ’78, Queen Jo Ann Arakaki and King David Moore ’76, senior attendants Lisa Van Brunt and Tom Ellis ’76, junior attendants Noreen Taomae and Ross Serion ’77. (Reprinted from the 1976 Ka Mo‘olelo o ‘Iolani)

Left to right: Freshman attendants Mary Mike Neville and Darryl Lum ’79, sophomore attendants Hope Fujisaki and Steven Iha ’78, Queen Jo Ann Arakaki and King David Moore ’76, senior attendants Lisa Van Brunt and Tom Ellis ’76, junior attendants Noreen Taomae and Ross Serion ’77. (Reprinted from the 1976 Ka Mo‘olelo o ‘Iolani)