This Issue
Winter 2011 - Department | Faculty & Staff File
Faculty and Staff File
Music and Math
Math teacher Dave Masunaga ’75 presented his classical music “Desert Island Discs” on Hawaii Public Radio (KHPR) on October 15. KHPR also feature the ‘Iolani choir in a recording of chorus director John Alexander’s “Requiem.”On Stage

Hawaii Pacific University Photo
Welcoming New Teacher

Tracy Feng is a new Chinese teacher.
Sabbatical Awards
Art teacher Holly Chung has been granted a sabbatical for the spring semester of the 2011-12 year. She will research the historical development of Western contemporary art and develop strategies to make art history a stronger component of the mixed media curriculum and other courses.Economics teacher Dick Rankin will take a sabbatical in the fall of2011. He will visit Russia and the former Soviet Block countries which are making the transition from communist governments to market economies. He will also compare the economic systems of China and the United States and meet educators from around the world.
Japanese language teacher Elsie Yoshimura plans trips to California and Japan during her sabbatical in the spring of 2012. She plans to enhance her Advanced Placement Japanese Language and Culture course through extensive classroom observations and meetings with educators.
English teacher Nathan Zee has been awarded a sabbatical for the 2011-12 year to complete his dissertation and earn his doctorate degree from the University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa. He hopes to incorporate his study of cinema and visual narratives with his English courses on literature.