This Issue
Fall 2009 - Other News | Alumni
The Girls Came Back
Valerie Okemura ’83 accepts a lei during the ‘Iolani first day of school Convocation on August 24.
The Convocation for Upper School marked the 30th anniversary of co-education at ‘Iolani. Fifteen women were recognized for being among the first girls to enroll in previously all boys ‘Iolani on September 4, 1979. Back then, they were seventh and ninth graders.
‘Iolani School recognized the first girls who entered ‘Iolani. Left to right, Denise (Miyasaki) Wheeler ’83, Valerie (Hedani) Okemura 83, Leona Pang ’83, Esther Kawakami-Williams ’83, Susan (Inouye) Abe ’83, Amy (Barcia) Harpstrite ’83, Meri-Mika Morisada Guillou ’83, Kelly Swartman-Hogan ’83, Susan (Uyeno) Akamine ’85, Virna (Schubert) Castanera ’83, Caroline Chun ’85, Kendis (Kado) Teho ’85, Allison (Ching) Setzler ’85, Joanna (Lee) Seto ’85, Aubrey Hawk ’85.
News broadcasts from KGMB marking the first and last days of ‘Iolani’s first co-ed year were shown to the delight of students.
The alumnae then received a tour of campus from Director of Alumni Relations Mike Moses and enjoyed breakfast at the residence of Dr. Iwashita and his wife Cynthia.
While unable to join them, past Headmaster Rev. David P. Coon expressed his sentiment by letter.
Headmaster Dr. Val Iwashita and his wife Cynthia hosted a breakfast at his residence for the first girls reunion.
Several members of the faculty, including David Masunaga ’75 who began teaching the year ‘Iolani went co-ed, greeted the alumnae as well.